Frequently Asked Questions

Find all the answers to your frequently asked questions about child allowance, the birth allowance, and much more.
Explore our FAQ for clear and quick information to make your life easier.

Who receives the benefits?

Who gets the benefit depends on your family situation. We pay the benefits to the person or institution raising the child:

In most cases this will be the mother, but there are exceptions. We rely on the official population register for this. However, the real situation does not always correspond to what that register indicates. Contact us immediately if the payment is not made to the correct claimant.
If the parents are divorced, the rules are somewhat different. The person who receives the benefits is designated by the legislation relating to your situation. You can also contact us if you want to dispute the decision about the payments.
If there is no person or institution taking on the task of raising the child, we pay the allowance directly to the child. This is the case in the following situations:
The child is married.
The child has been emancipated.
The child is 16 years of age or older, lives in independent accommodation and has no caregiver living with him/her.
The child receives benefits for his/her own children.

Are you entitled to child benefits?

You are entitled to this unconditional right until your child turns 18. From September of the year in which your child reaches this age, certain conditions must be met to continue receiving it. You can keep benefitting from this until your child is 25, if he/she is taking sufficient hours of lessons, enrolling for enough study credits or is registered as a job seeker after leaving school.