Frequently Asked Questions

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Is it useful, or even mandatory, to report a change in family income?

Of course, it is important to report any change in income to your family allowance fund. If your income comes solely from Belgium, Brussels Family can verify if you are eligible to receive social supplements based on your tax return, every two years. However, it is always recommended to inform us directly in case of an income change.

If you forget to report a decrease in income, Brussels Family can still grant you the supplement retroactively, based on your tax return if you meet the required conditions.

On the other hand, if your income has increased and you do not report it, this could potentially pose a problem. Brussels Family might continue to pay a supplement to which you are no longer entitled without your knowledge, as the tax return often arrives with some delay. When this is detected, the undue social supplements will have to be repaid.

To find out which incomes are taken into account for social supplements, feel free to consult our dedicated page on this subject. In any case, remember that Brussels Family is here to help and support you throughout your journey.

For any questions on this matter, the easiest way is to give us a call at ☎ 02/227.19.60 between 9 AM and 5 PM (until 4 PM on Fridays), or send us an email at